Here begins the story of George Cockram, a little bit at a
time. He was the fifth child of William
Cockram and Prudence Yeo – or maybe not.
He was certainly Prudence’s fifth child, but the father of her first
child, Elizabeth, is anyone’s guess. And
by the way, Prudence herself was one of two illegitimate children of Elizabeth
Yeo. It’s amazing how many of my
ancestors were born on the wrong side of the sheets.
I don’t know if George ever knew about the unauthorized
activities that his mother and grandmother got up to, but if he did, was he so
outraged that he changed his name to distance himself from them? I doubt it,
particularly when I remember that he named one of his daughters Prudence and
another Elizabeth.
Here's a screen clip from my Ancestry tree, showing some of George's ancestors, and his siblings. Click on it for a larger version.
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